Working Hard for the Working Class

City Councilor, City of Albany, Ward I - B

Trevor Lee


Occupation: Small Business Owner

Occupational Background: Reserve Police Officer, Stayton Police Department; Railroad Signal Technician and Inspector, BNSF; Electrician, and Electrical Project Manager

Educational Background: Chemeketa Community College; Independent Electrical Contractors Oregon

Prior Governmental Experience: Budget Review Committee, City of Albany


I have lived in Albany for over ten years. My wife and I feel blessed to be raising our children in Albany. We have a child at every level in Albany schools and that gives us a firsthand view of all the challenges young families are facing. Education is important to our entire community. I want to ensure that Albany is the best place to live, work, and raise a family.


I understand the challenge of making ends meet in this economy. We need good-paying jobs, affordable rent and mortgages for working families, and safe schools and public spaces. I have worked as an electrician, a railway signal technician and inspector, and now a small business owner. I will be a voice for hardworking Albany residents on the city council.


In my three years as a Reserve Police Officer, I gained an appreciation and respect for law enforcement. I will support Albany Police and Fire to the best of my ability. We need to put public safety first.


On the Albany Budget Review Committee, I have advocated for respecting taxpayers. We must prioritize limited funds for core services like police, fire, and roads. Albany residents are hurting due to inflation. We see it at the grocery store and the pump. I will oppose new or higher fees on Albany residents without a vote of the people. The current city council continues to deny voters the opportunity to vote Yes or No on new taxes or fees that will impact them.

(This information furnished by Trevor Lee for Albany.)